The Vatican: Official website of the Vatican in Rome, Italy. In multiple languages.
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Congregation for Higher Catholic Education
Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network
Office of Liturgical Celebrations
World Youth Day
Catechism of the Catholic Church
United States Conference of Bishops
Liturgy of the Hours
Liturgia dos las Horas
The Liturgical Year
Año Liturgico
The Liturgical Calendar (with downloadable PDFs for 2019, 2020)
Daily Readings
Lecturas Del Dias
Books of the Bible
The Bible: Approved Translations
Magnificat - Daily readings, subscriptions; Magnificat, MagnifiKid, resources.
New Advent: Catholic Encyclopedia
New Advent: Catholic Library - various Church documents and brochures
Word On Fire: Bishop Barron's world-renowned apostolate
Catholic Answers: Useful website devoted to defining and evangelizing the Catholic faith.
National Catholic Register: Conservative national Catholic newspaper in the United States.
Catholic Exchange: Articles and tools to help Catholics grow in their faith.
Catholic News Service: Compiled by the United State Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
HopeFM: An affiliate of EWTN. Non-profit Catholic radio in New Hampshire.
EWTN: The global Catholic media channel.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Radio (WRXJ 105.5): An affiliate of EWTN. Non-profit Catholic radio reaching communities in the Burlington, VT area, and extending across Lake Champlain into New York.
Rome Reports (Espagnol) - Agencia de noticias del Papa e il Vaticano. Also available in English (click upper right-hand corner to change).
Vatican News Channel: Official news channel for the Vatican in Rome. Available in multiple languages. Catholic news feeds from all over.
Ascension: A leader in faith formation. Podcasts, videos, courses, books, and more.
Catholic Icing: A fun website hosted by mom Lacy, it has crafts, Catholic home schooling curriculum, activities for the kids, etc.
Catholic Mom: Founded by writer and speaker Lisa Hendey, this website is a portal for all things Catholic.
Connect Safely: News, resources and information on the safe and effective use of the internet, games, and social media for children, teens and parents.
Equipping Catholic Families: hosted by Monica McConkey. Sharing the Catholic faith with your family, from crafts to the Liturgy.
FOCUS: Fellowship of Catholic University Students. Evangelizing on college campuses through the US and parts of Europe.
LifeTeen: Yes, even teens can have a cool relationship with their Catholic faith. Helping teens and their families grow closer to God.
NET Ministries: Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ through a personal witness of faith, challenging young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church. NET Ministries is under the ecclesiastical vigilance of the Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.
Phat Mass: For Catholics of all ages, but geared toward the younger generation, with music, desktop wallpaper, games, apologetics and a very active "phorum".
Religious ED/Youth Ministry: Resources from the website of the Diocese of Burlington, VT.
Vermont Catholic Charities: Provides services to individuals, families and communities throughout Vermont.
Divine Mercy Chaplet: From the Marians of Immaculate Conception. The Chaplet and other devotions to Divine Mercy.
EWTN Prayer Portal: Prayers, novenas, chaplets and devotions in one convenient place.
Fatima Prayers: Various prayers offered to Our Lady of Fatima.
The Holy Rosary Online: From EWTN.
Shrine of St. Anthony: Source of Novenas, 13 Tuesdays Novenas, and other devotions to St Anthony of Padua.
13 Tuesdays Novena to St. Anthony - Recited for 13 Tuesdays prior to St Anthony's Saint's Day on June 13th.
America: Conservative Catholic magazine published by the Jesuits.
The Augustinian: Magazine of the Augustinians of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova.
Catholic Greetings: Catholic-themed e-cards created by Franciscan Media.
Catholic Teacher Resources: Website devoted to Catholic education and resources for Catholic educators.
Catholic Retreats: A full listing of U.S. Catholic retreats and retreat centers for those seeking a deeper spiritual experience.
Catholic Education Resource Center: News and resources on Catholic faith and faith formation.
Magnificat/Magnifikid: Published monthly in print and digital subscriptions. Daily and Sunday Masses and devotionals. Also publishes special issues with Lenten and Advent Masses and devotions.
Marian Helper Magazine: Publication of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception (Divine Mercy organization).
Our Sunday Visitor: Weekly publication. Founded in 1912 by Father John Francis Noll.
St. Anthony Messenger: Catholic Magazine. Published by the Franciscans of St. John the Baptist Province. Part of Franciscan Media.
The Blue Army: Devoted to spreading the message of Our Lady of Fatima.
The Latin Mass: e-zine and print magazine for those who follow the Latin Rite (Tridentine) Mass.
The Word Among Us: WAU is one of the largest Catholic magazines in the world. WAU help and inspire Catholics to pray and seek a relationship with Jesus. The meditations for each day are based on the daily mass readings.
USCatholic: Print magazine and online resource. U.S. Catholic puts faith in the context of everyday life, with a strong focus on social justice.