The Court St. Anthony #1231 of Catholic Daughters of America was chartered on Sunday, June 32, 1935, at St Anthony Church in Bethel. VT.
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament was given by Rev. Mark J. Harvey, then pastor of St. Anthony, with other priests assisting. A large attendance was present from Bethel and the surrounding towns.
Afterwards, Miss Mary McKeogh, Vermont Grand Regent, conferred the Officers' position at the Bethel Inn. Mary and Nan McKeogh were daughters of John Keleher, who purchased the land for the church in 1903.
The St. Anthony Court remains active today--with members from St. Anthony in Bethel and Our Lady of the Angels in Randolph--contributing to the needs of the parish and local communities.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas website.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Vermont.
Catholic Daughters of America was founded in 1903, and is one of the oldest and largest Catholic women's organizations in the Americas. It has over 1150 Courts (chapters) in 45 states, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, Kenya and Peru. Members administer scholarship programs, aid those in need in their communities, and donate to charities. Catholic women ages 18 and older may join a Court. Young women aged 6-18 can join the Junior Catholic Daughters of America. Some universities have campus Courts.
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